Saturday, September 17, 2011

Twelve Years Old Lady

12 Years Old Lady

In 12-year-old girl named Ontlametse Falaste there are only a couple of years of life. “I call myself the first lady, because I was the first black child with the disease …. You know more of a dark-skinned child with such a disease? “- Says the girl. Ontlametse – the only black child with a diagnosis of the syndrome Hutchinson-Gilford – a rare and fatal disease, accelerating the aging process. In the entire history of mankind only two black children suffer from this disease – both of them died, one in the U.S., another in the Netherlands. Experts believe that at the same time in the world from 200 to 250 children suffering from this disease. Children with the disease die from heart failure at the age of 8 to 21 years, suffering from high blood pressure, stroke, angina and heart failure.

Poisonous Snakes on Earth

The hook-nosed sea snake has been called “cantankerous and savage” by some herpetologists, and toxicity and aggression aren't a good mix. Only a very small amount of venom is needed – 1.5 mg is lethal in many cases – and it is said to be as much as eight times more toxic than cobra venom. Do not approach.

1. Sea Snakes

The hook-nosed sea snake is at the top of the most venomous list with a bite containing venom that has an LD50 of 0.02. Almost all sea snakes are venomous, however, and the Belcher's sea snake is sometimes reported to have and even lower LD50, below 0.01. Ernst and Zug also give the venoms of the Dubois's reef sea snake an LD50 0.04, which would place it at number four on this list. If you see a sea snake while swimming or diving, move away.

All taipans have highly toxic venom – not least the coastal taipan, which is also regarded as one of the five most venomous land snakes and is sometimes placed in the top three. The inland taipan's venom has an LD50 of 0.03 – though some sources have it as low as 0.01 – but in other taipan species it may be closer to 0.1. As well as being highly neurotoxic, the venom clots the victim's blood, blocking blood vessels. Before an antivenom was developed, it is said there were few if any survivors of taipan bites, and even with antivenom, the recovery period can be slow and painful.

2. Taipan (Inland Taipan)

Also known as the fierce snake, the inland taipan – another deadly snake found in Australia – is considered the world's most venomous land snake. Its alternate name is a reference to its venom rather than to its behavior, as it is shy and reclusive. Even when it kills prey, it retreats until the prey has died from the bite before returning to feed. Even so.

In Burma, the Russell's viper is responsible for 90% of snakebite fatalities. Its painful bite produces venom that causes swelling, extensive bleeding, vomiting and necrosis, among other symptoms, while death may occur as a result of kidney, respiratory or cardiac failure.

Also, there is no single antivenom for treating the Russell's viper's bite, as the venom has different properties depending on the area in which the snake is found. For example, in India the venom has neurotoxic effects while in Thailand it hampers the blood's ability to clot.

3. Russell's Viper

The Russell's viper – another of India's 'big four' – is without doubt one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. It not only has one of the most lethal types of venom, with an LD50 of 0.03; it is also commonly found in places where people live, because it is attracted by rodents. Outdoor workers are among the most in jeopardy as it likes fields and open, bushy areas.

4. Eastern Brown Snake

The eastern brown snake is another Australian species with venom that can kill. Depending on which source you read, its venom is said to have an LD50 ranging from 0.05 to 0.03 (Ernst and Zug state the former), making it one of the most venomous snakes on land. The venom contains both neurotoxins and blood coagulants – two entirely different ways in which it can act on the system – and two people died as a result of being bitten as recently as 2007. You've been warned.

5. Black Mamba

The black mamba is both the world's second longest venomous snake and the fastest snake on Earth. It averages 8.2 feet in length and can move at speeds of 14 miles per hour. If black is the shade of death, this snake is well colored; its bite is deadly to say the least. The black mamba's venom has an LD50 of 0.05, meaning death – usually by respiratory failure or heart attack – typically occurs in humans in 30 minutes to one hour. Luckily, an antivenom has now brought the morality rate of those bitten down from where it once stood before the treatment became available – at nearly 100%. Big, quick and deadly, the black mamba is surely one of the world's deadliest snakes.

6. Tiger Rattlesnake

There is huge variation among different lists regarding the strength of the venom of the tiger rattlesnake, which is found in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. One source puts its venom's LD50 at 0.06 while others have it much higher – and therefore less toxic. What does seem certain, however, is that this species has the highest toxicity of all rattlesnakes, and while the venom it yields is comparatively low, being bitten by one of these snakes should be deemed a critical emergency. Let its stripes be a warning to you if you ever see one.

Symptoms from the boomslang's bite kick in after several hours, and generally consist of external and internal bleeding brought about by blood clotting processes being disabled. That said, the boomslang is not an aggressive snake and prefers to retreat rather than attack, meaning fatalities are relatively rare. Still, we'd rather not try our luck.

7. Boomslang

Beautiful but deadly, the brightly colored boomslang is found in Africa and is unique to its family (Colubridae) in that it has highly potent venom. It releases its venom through fangs at the rear of its jaw rather than at the front. Given its small size, the toxicity of its bite is perhaps surprising; its LD50 is 0.07.

8. Common Krait

Next, the common krait, which is found in India, where it is one of the 'big four' – the species that cause the most snake bite cases in South Asia. This highly venomous specimen typically feeds on other snakes as well as lizards and small mammals. Alarmingly, many people who are bitten by the krait don't even realize it because the bite is practically painless. Krait bites can occur when people are asleep – feeling like that of an ant or mosquito – and there have been instances where the victim never wakes up. Even though the venom is slow-acting – it can take several hours for its effects to take hold – it has an LD50 of 0.09, with death often arriving by respiratory failure.

9. Desert Horned Viper

The desert horned viper is found in the Middle East and North Africa. It has little horns over each eye which makes it easily recognizable. This is a case where the snake's toxicity varies according to which scientists you believe; its LD50 ranges from 0.4 to 0.1, though Ernst and Zug state the latter figure. The desert horned viper is known for sidewinding, a form of movement whereby it presses its weight into the sand to move across the loose surface. We're tempted to say this is one diabolically venomous snake.

Untreated tiger snake bites – which rapidly cause breathing problems and paralysis – result in death to humans 60% of the time. The venom toxicity of this scaly serpent is said to range from an LD50 of around 0.4 for the Chappell Island tiger snake to 0.12 for the peninsular tiger snake. Beastly.

10. Tiger Snake

Striped like its feline namesake, the tiger snake is found in Australia, although there are several different and widely distributed varieties. It prefers wet habitats such as creeks and coastal areas and is definitely a snake to keep away from if you're looking for somewhere to cool off on a hot summer's day.

The venom of the forest cobra has an LD50 of 0.12. What's more, not only is the venom extremely potent, with deadly paralyzing effects; it's also delivered in high quantities, and when this snake bites it will hang on and not release its grip. Interestingly, the forest cobra's venom contains neurotoxins that may have some use in treating Alzheimer's disease.

11. Forest Cobra

Fast, agile and preferring woodland habitats, the forest cobra climbs trees with ease. Like other cobras, it will extend special ribs in its neck to make a hood when agitated. Oh, and did we mention that it's deadly poisonous?

An average-sized puff adder packs enough venom to kill four to five men! Bite symptoms include swelling, blood blisters, nausea and, if not treated, necrosis – which can lead to gangrene. This snake isn't going to stay out of your way, so you best steer clear.

12. Puff Adder

The puff adder isn't the most venomous snake in Africa but it is considered to be the snake that causes the most human deaths there. This is due to the venomous viper's common occurrence in heavily populated areas and its habit of sunbathing on or near footpaths. Then of course there's its highly toxic venom, which has an LD50 of 0.14 and is delivered in large doses through long fangs.

Incredibly Cute Snapshots of Baby Crocodiles

Contrary to what some might believe, mother crocodiles do not cannibalize their young but actively protect them before, during and after birth. However, one of the biggest dangers for the babies comes from other crocodiles. They will eat the young of other crocs, especially when the population is healthy and more babies aren't necessary. When the population is low, though, this behavior lessens significantly. Maybe crocodiles really do care!

The babies and adults continue to communicate after the birth, calling to each other into adulthood with up to 18 different sounds. That way, if a baby strays away from its group it can be guided back by the others or its mother can go to protect it. (Similar crocodilian maternal devotion can be seen in this sequence of photographs, in which a mother alligator prevents its baby from becoming a heron's lunch.)

The mother crocodile doesn't only guard the nest and babies before and directly upon hatching; she also protects them afterwards. The babies need to get to water for safety as quickly as possible, so mum takes them – often in her mouth – to a nursery area. Can you imagine carrying 15 babies in your mouth? Momma croc can! The skin of her lower jaw stretches to make a cradle for them.

During hatching the babies use an 'egg tooth' at the end of their snout that helps them to break the inner membrane of the egg and force their way out. Sometimes the mother will gently roll the eggs around in her mouth to help crack open the hard outer shell.

This is a unique survival mechanism, and it occurs because baby crocs are in danger from predators from the moment they have hatched. When they make their pre-birth noises, it's to ensure that they all hatch in one batch and that they have their mother on hand to defend them.

When the brother and sister crocs hear the sound, they start to 'talk' as well, and the mother croc comes to the nest to be ready for the births. The researchers discovered that whenever they played the high-pitched muffled sounds to the mother crocodiles, they started to dig in the sand – or guard the eggs if they were already out of the nest.

With as many as 40 eggs or more in a nest, there are a lot of babies-to-be for the mother crocodile to look after. Amazingly, the baby crocodiles 'talk' to their mothers while still in the egg. Researchers Vergne and Mathevon of UniversitĂ© Jean Monnet in Saint-Etienne, France showed that, just before hatching, they make "umph, umph, umph" noises – grunting sounds which act as a signal that they are ready to be born.

Unlike in most other animals, the sex of the young is not shaped by genetics; instead it is determined by the heat of the nest. If the sand or vegetation is a little warmer or colder at different layers it makes a difference in terms of how many males or females are born: males will be born at certain temperatures, females at others.

Mother crocodiles lay eggs in a nest – often one that they return to year after year. They build the nest either in mounds of vegetation and mud or, like sea turtles, they dig a hole in the sand. For around 90 days, the momma crocs guard the nest from predators and other dangers. The nest acts as an incubator, keeping the eggs at a stable temperature that allows them to develop.

Seventy million years after they first appeared on this planet, crocodiles remain some of the world's most successful freshwater predators. Hardly changed since the age of dinosaurs, they attack in a flash, bringing down large prey – such as unwary wildebeest and zebras. Yet there is another side to crocodiles, one rarely talked about or even imagined. They are gentle, devoted and nurturing mothers, and their babies are little miracles that communicate with their mums even while they are still in their eggs.

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